
作者: 佚名 发布时间: 2023年10月19日 11:02 浏览次数:


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谷歌学术 https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=YhoU1sUAAAAJ



2019.07~2021.06University of Alberta,地球物理系,博士后研究员

2017.09~2019.03University of Alberta,地球物理系,CSC联合培养博士




1) 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目:二氧化碳封存区高频噪声响应与注入活动时空对应关系研究,2023~2025

2) 主持国家重点研发计划子课题:无人机航空探地雷达数据成像研究,2022~2025

3) 主持重庆市自然科学基金面上项目:CO2注入封存区地震及电阻率响应三维模拟研究,2022~2025

4) 主持中科院横向委托项目:盐穴储层注入参数及地层条件响应特征研究,2022

5) 主持重庆大学资安学院青年创新发展基金项目,2022~2023

6) 参与加拿大自然科学基金项目:工业二氧化碳捕集与埋存监测方法研究,2019~2024

7) 参与加拿大未来能源项目:基于密集地震台站的水力压裂诱发地震监测研究,2018~2022


1) AGU会员,SEG会员,中国地球物理学会会员

2) 中国地震学会地壳深部探测专委会委员

3) 重庆市青年科学家创新联盟理事

4) GRLIEEE TGRSSurveys   in GeophysicsGeophysics等期刊审稿人


1) 2022年青岛市自然科学二等奖(P2

2) 2019年国际交流奖学金

3) 2019年中国石油大学(华东)院长奖学金

4) 2016年山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果奖一等奖(P2

5) 2016年延长石油奖学金


1) Li, T.*, Gu, Y.J., Lawton, D.C., Gilbert, H., Macquet, M.,   Savard, G., Wang, J., Innanen, K. and Yu, N., 2022. Monitoring CO2 Injection   at the CaMI Field Research Station Using Microseismic Noise Sources. Journal   of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(12), p.e2022JB024719. (Nature   Index期刊, Q1)

2) Li,   T., Gu,   Y.J.*, Wang, Z., Wang, R., Chen, Y., Song, T.R.A. and   Wang, R., 2019. Spatiotemporal variations in crustal seismic anisotropy   surrounding induced earthquakes near Fox Creek, Alberta. Geophysical Research Letters,   46(10), pp.5180-5189. (Nature Index期刊, Q1)

3) Wang, J.*, Li, T.*, Gu, Y.J., Schultz, R., Yusifbayov, J. and Zhang, M.,   2020. Sequential Fault Reactivation and Secondary Triggering in the March   2019 Red Deer Induced Earthquake Swarm. Geophysical Research Letters,   p.e2020GL090219. (Nature Index期刊, Q1)

4) Li, T., Gu, Y.J., Wang, J., Wang,   R.*,   Yusifbayov, J., Canlales, M. and Shipman, T., 2022. Earthquake swarm induced   by wastewater disposal near Musreau Lake, Alberta, 2018-2020. Seismological   Research Letters, 93(2A), pp.727-738. (Q2)

5) Li, T., Li, R.*, Yu, N.*, Wang, Z. and Wang, R.,. 2021. A   novel approach based on feature fusion for fracture identification using well   log data. Fractals, 29(08), pp.1-18. (Q1)

6) Li,   T.*,   Wang, Z., Wang, R. and Yu, N., 2021. Pore type identification in carbonate   rocks using convolutional neural network based on acoustic logging data. Neural Computing and Applications,   33(9), 4151-4163. (Q1)

7) Li,   T.*,   Wang, Z., Yu, N., Wang, R. and Wang, Y., 2020. Numerical Study of Pore   Structure Effects on Acoustic Logging Data in the Borehole Environment. Fractals, 28(3), pp.2050049-518. (Q1)

8) Wang, Z., Li, T.*, Wang, F., Guan, L. and   Zhang, R., 2020. Numerical Simulation of Polymer Dispersion Systems for   Polymer Injection on Offshore Platforms. ACS Omega, 5(32),   pp.20343-20352. (Q2)

9) Li,   T.*,   Wang, Z., Gu, Y.J., Wang, R. and Wang, Y., 2019. Experimental study of   fracture structure effects on acoustic logging data using a synthetic   borehole model. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 183,   p.106433. (Q1)

10) Li,   T.,   Wang, R.* and Wang, Z., 2019. A method of rough pore surface   model and application in elastic wave propagation. Applied Acoustics, 143, pp.100-111. (Q2)

11) Li,   T.*,   Wang, R., Wang, Z., Zhao, M. and Li, L., 2018. Prediction of fracture density   using genetic algorithm support vector machine based on acoustic logging   data. Geophysics, 83(2), pp.D49-D60. (Q2)

12) Li,   T.*,   Wang, R., Wang, Z. and Wang, Y., 2016. Experimental study on the effects of   fractures on elastic wave propagation in synthetic layered rocks. Geophysics, 81(4), pp.D441-D451. (Q2)


1) 王晨光, 李天阳*, 余年, 林荣智, 2023. 二次Radon变换模式分离改善频散曲线提取质量--以泸县地震区密集台阵数据为例[C]. 中国地球科学联合学术年.

2) 汪无忌, 李天阳*, 余年, 2023. 无人机探地雷达逆时偏移成像算法研究[C]. 中国地球科学联合学术年会.

3) Li, T. *, Gu, Y. J., Wang, J., et al.,   2023. Exploring the potential of continuous monitoring of CO2 injection using   dense passive seismic data[C]. 85th EAGE Annual Conference.

4) 李天阳*, Gu,   Y. J., 王静川等, 2022. 利用诱发地震预测加西盆地断层走向--Musreau湖附近的注水诱发地震为例[C]. 中国地球科学联合学术年会.

5) 李天阳*, 余年, Gu, Y. J., , 2022. 利用微震噪声源监测CaMI.FRS二氧化碳注入活动[C]. 中国地球科学联合学术年会.

6) Li, T.*,   Gu, Y. J., Wang, J., et al., 2021. Recent earthquakes induced by wastewater   disposal near Musreau Lake, Alberta[C]. GeoConvention.

7) Li, T.*,   Gu, Y.J., Wang, R., et al., 2018. Characterizing the spatio-temporal   variations in seismic anisotropy and fault characteristics near an Mw 4.1   induced earthquake in the Alberta basin[C]. AGU Fall Meeting.

8) Li, T.*,   Wang, R., & Wang, Z., 2017. The effect of roughness of pore surfaces on   elastic wave velocity in pore-scale modeling[C]. SEG Annual Meeting.

